Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Beautiful New Fence

So, for the last few weeks, we have been building a new fence in our backyard.  This picture has nothing to do with it, but it is a nice little picture of part of my garden.  Can you smell that Stargazer Lily?  You could if you were here.  It's a little potent.  This is how the actual fence building process went.

Step 1:  A door to nowhere.  This is the temporary gate to keep the pups in a small area of the yard while we are working.
Step 2:  Pups in Prison.  Self explanatory.  They were very bad, and had to be dealt with.  Not really.  They didn't mind it at all.

Step 3:  No more old fence.  You just don't realize how protected your fence makes you feel until you take it down.  Especially when the dogs need to go out in the middle of the night, and you are sitting there in your pajamas, thinking about all the crazy mass murderers who could be standing right there in the alley plotting your demise, whom you cannot see AT ALL because it is very dark out there, and you don't have a fence.  But the bonus is that the neighbors who have lived next door to you for 12 years but have never actually spoken to you before, may actually acknowledge your existence with a hello.  Just the one time though.  Fence up, brief camaradarie over.

Step 4:  Ta-dum!!  New fence.  It actually took a while,  but only a few days.  Maybe about a week.

I nailed every nail in this section.  So, unfortunately, it must also have been me who forgot to put any nails in the bottom of one of the boards. Oops.

And the puppies' favorite part, a window just for them.  Now they can annoy the neighbors all they want. It's OK, 'cause we aren't friends anymore anyway. ;)


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